Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Stratigraphy - the saga. Anybody got a floppy drive?

This is driving me crazy...

I first created a period site matrix diagram in 1997 using a roll of lining wallpaper - I think it was about 13' long, and an absolute nightmare.

Then came the Harris programme - it'll do (mainly 'cos it's free), though it has problems. Better than wallpaper, anyhow

I was able to save my efforts on floppy disk (with back-up), and subsequently created an additional back-up on an Omega zip disk - belt and braces, I thought

But the problem is not that, 12 years later, I am unable to access either floppys or zip drive, which might seem rather funny - if it wasn't at all. I did try to do this a few years ago, before I chucked my old PCs, but, of course, Zip drive contracted clickling death, 'infecting' my disks. And floppy disks just wouldn't read, for whatever reason.

But now, I've come across an extra back-up, by the looks of the label - so if anyone still has a floppy drive, so that I could check what's on it, please let me know.

After spending 3 days making a start on redoing the matrices, I've managed to procure a volunteer, after the previous 'strat' volunteer 'disappeared'. But if anyone has time to help out with this, you would be very welcome...

Thanks to Steve for helping out on this.


Tuesday, 21 September 2010


Check out the new pages (links to right of this page)

The 'data' page provides a link to the ceramics database (or click on the title to this post)


A new website is under development!

(Click on the title of this post to access the site, or click:

The finds image database will be available through that site, as will descriptions and interpretations of the Roman and Early Medieval archaeology at Crickley Hill


Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Volunteer opportunity

If anyone wants to volunteer for helping to develop the matrix (stratigraphy) diagrams, let me know - this will be a great help. The data can be accessed and worked with online, via the volunteer webpages.

If anyone would like to know more about matrices and stratigraphy, check out Harris' book - now available online:

And there's a free program available online, that I use for doing the Crickley matrices:

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Volunteers again

As last years volunteers have gone off to do there own thing, I'd welcome assistance in finishing a number of tasks, to get this report out there.

There are still plans to digitise, and if any one is based in north Gloucester (which I am not), several hunderd sherds of pottery need sorting and weighing.

If you have other archaeological skills to offer - please let me know!


Been a while... Update

It's been some time since I was able to concentrate on Crickley, due to the demands of other research, but I now have a few weeks in which I can again think about the site.
    After completing my other work, I'll now be able to include lots of (what to me at least are exciting!) discoveries in the CH hillfort reoccupation report. I've spent the last 10 years staring at plans of hearths etc., with questions of ethnic and cultural identity, so some of this may get into the P3c - 4 (LPRIA - Early Medieval) report - in small doses.

As for the report: I've started re-writing the introduction, in which I hope I'm now a bit more forceful in saying just how important this site really is!
   I'm finding the application of modern policies on archaeological report writing rather challenging (primarily due to the excavations being undertaken before these strategies were in place), but I'm finding the structure quite helpful. At the same time, I'm aware that I have to try to make this report a 'good read' - I have my work cut out, notwithstanding the  interesting nature of the site!

While I still have access to ArcGIS through Sheffield, I've also again been looking at the site in its wider context - hopefully I'll be able to have access to this programme in the future, although at present, the costs suggest not.

And I'm creating a website relating to periods 3c - 4, so that any one so interested may be able to have easy access to both data and interpretations. However, as a fully functional site that can contain databases will cost, and I'm not earning at present, this site will initially be limited to a basic version of what is to come when I've been able to secure the necessary funds. I'll post the address as soon as it's finished.